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2009 The 12th Update in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Cardiology"

작성일 2009.07.28 조회수 757
첨부파일 2009Update1.jpg (다운 : 85) 2009Update2.jpg (다운 : 81)

2009 "The 12th Update in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Cardiology"

Septal defects; What we know, and don’t know

일시: 2009년 8월 29일(토)

장소: 양산부산대학교병원 모암홀 (4층)

08:30 Registration  
08:50-09:00 Opening Remark  
Section 1. Atrial septal defects 좌장: 이흥재/김용진
09:00-09:15 How to identify the patients with risk and "Just an ASD"; Unusual presentation of ASD 이형두(부산의대)
09:20-09:35 Which ASD should be closed by surgeon ?

Which ASD should be closed by cardiologist ?
강이석 (성균관의대)

김시호 (부산의대)
09:40-09:55 small ASD: is it really insignificant? 조도준 (한림의대)
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break  
특강 1. 윤용수 교수님 퇴임 기념 강의 좌장: 노정일
10:30-11:30 윤용수 교수님 퇴임 기념 강의 윤용수 (서울의대)
Section2 : Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Pulmonary hypertension 좌장: 마재숙/이광숙
11:30-11:45 PDA in premature: not always easy 장윤실(성균관대)
11:50-12:05 Evolution of surgical management of PDA; surgery and intervention, thoracoscopic surgery 박정준(울산의대)
12:10-12:25 Septal defects with severe pulmonary hypertension - How safely can we close it? 이창하(세종병원)
12:30-12:45 New strategies in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension; advance of medical management 현명철(경북의대)
12:50-13:40 Lunch and Hospital tour  
Section 3. Ventricular Septal Defects 좌장: 이상범/이상호
13:40-14:55 Conduction systems in simple VSD and other complex anomalies. Prof Kurosawa
14:00-14:15 When should the pressure restrictive VSD be surgically closed? 송진영 (세종병원)
14:20-14:35 Debates on outlet VSD and AR 이재영(가톨릭의대)
14:40-14:55 Posterior malalignment type, Swiss cheese type, huge VSD in LBWI etc 김웅한(서울의대)
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break  
특강 2. Professor Kurosawa's special lecture
좌장: 성시찬
15:30-16:10 Anatomic correction of corrected TGA; Indication, Surgical technique and Late results
Section 3 Case Discussion 좌장 김성호/서동만
16:10-16:30 Case 1  
16:30-16:50 Case 2  
16:50-17:10 Case 3  
17:10-17:30 Case 4  

◆ 등록안내

연수평점 : 6 점

사전 등록: 2009년 8월 24일 (월)까지

TEL : 055) 360 - 2180 (부산대학교어린이병원 소아청소년과 의국) ; 010-9092-0433 의국비서 이혜령

FAX : 055) 360 -2181

E-mail : (부산대학교 의과대학 조교수 박지애)

계좌번호 : 농협 301-0022-9296-11 (예 금 주: 박지애)

◆ 참가신청서(첨부 신청서 참고)

사전 등록: 2009년 8월 24일(월)



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