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폐식도외과 우수해외 논문상

폐식도외과 우수해외 논문상

년 도 성 명 소 속 분 야 제 목 학술지
2007 박인규 연세의대 일반흉부 Complete Stable Remission After Extended Transsternal Thymectomy in Myasthenia Gravis European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 30 (2006); 525-528 ;
2008 김홍관 성균관의대 일반흉부 Neurologic Outocomes of Thymectomy in Myasthenia Gravis: Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Thymoma The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2007:134; 601-607
2009 이응석 성균관의대 일반흉부 Prediction of Recurrence-Free Survival in Postoperative Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients by Using an IntegratedModel of Clinical Information and Gene Expression Clin Cancer Res 2008:14;7397-7404
2010 강민웅 충남의대 일반흉부 Stage III Thymic Epithelial Neoplasms are Not Homogeneous with Regard to Clinical, Pathological, and Prognostic Features J Thorac Oncol. 2009;4: 1561-1567
2011 김관민 성균관의대 일반흉부 Outcomes of unexpected pathologic N1 and N2 disease after video-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy for clinical stage I non-small cell lung cancer J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;140:1288-93
2012 이재익 가천의대 일반흉부 A Flow Visualization Model of Gastric Emptying in the Intrathoracic Stomach After Esophagectomy Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91:1039–45
2013 박준석 성균관의대 일반흉부 Effect of high-frequency chest wall oscillation on pulmonary function after pulmonary lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer Crit Care Med
2012 Sep;40(9):2583-9
2014 김영태 서울의대 일반흉부 The Presence of Mutations in Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Gene Is Not a Prognostic Factor for Long-Term Outcome after Surgical Resection of Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer J Thorac Oncol. 2013;8:171-178
2015 이성수 연세의대 일반흉부 Staple line coverage after bullectomy for primary spontaneous pneumothorax: a randomized trial. Korean Pneumothorax Study Group. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Dec; 98(6):2005-11
석양기 경북의대 일반흉부 Frequency of Lymph Node Metastasis According to the Size of Tumors in Resected Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma with a Size of 30 mm or Smaller. J Thorac Oncol 2014;9:818–824
2016 박성용 아주의대 일반흉부 Prognostic Value of Total Lesion Glycolysis by 18F-FDG PET/CT in Surgically Resected Stage IA Non?Small Cell Lung Cancer J Nucl Med 2015; 56:45-49
이근동 연세의대 일반흉부 New 3-Tiered Circumferential Resection Margin Criteria in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Ann Surg 2015;262:965-971
2017 도영우 경북의대 일반흉부 Tumor perimeter and lobulation as predictors of pleuralrecurrence inpatients with resected thymoma Yonsei University College of MedicineLung Cancer 98 (2016) 79–83
신수민 성균관의대 일반흉부 Joint effect of airflow limitation andemphysema on postoperative outcomesin early-stage nonsmall cell lung cancer Eur Respir J 2016; 48: 1743-1750
2018 박샘이나 서울의대 일반흉부 Current Trends of Lung Cancer Surgery and Demographic and Social Factors Related to Changes in the Trends of Lung Cancer Surgery: An Analysis of the National Database from 2010 to 2014 Cancer Res Treat 2017; 49(2): 330-337
신경욱 한양의대 일반흉부 Comparison of Prognosis of Solid and Part-Solid Node-Negative Adenocarcinoma With the Same Invasive Componest Size Ann Thorac Surg 2017;103:1654-60
2019 함석진 아주의대 일반흉부 Hydrogen gas inhalation during ex vivo lung perfusion of donor lungs recovered after cardiac death JHeart Lung Transplant 2018;37:1271-1278
황유화 분당서울의대 일반흉부 Impact of lymph node dissection on thymic malignancies: Multi-institutional propensity score matched analysis Journal of Thoracic oncology 2018;13;12:1949-1957
2020 윤재광 울산대학교 서울아산병원 일반흉부 Comparison between lymph node station- and zone-based classification for the future revision of node descriptors proposed by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer in surgically resected patients with non-small-cell lung cancer J Cardiothorac Surg 2019;56:849–57
박병조 연세의대 일반흉부 Recommended Change in the N Descriptor Proposed by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer: A Validation Study  
2021 홍태희 성균관대학교 삼성서울병원 일반흉부 Clinical advantage of targeted sequencing for unbiased tumor mutational burden estimation in samples with low tumor purity J Immunother Cancer 2020; 8:e001199. doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-001199.
나권중 서울대학교병원 일반흉부 Tumor immune profiles noninvasively estimated by FDG PET with deep learning correlate with immunotherapy response in lung adenocarcinoma Theranostics 2020, Vol. 10, Issue 23.
2022 김형렬 울산대학교 서울아산병원   A Validation Study of the Recommended Change in Residual Tumor Descriptors Proposed by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer for Patients With pN2 NSCLC Journal of thoracic Oncology Vol16 No.5
유우식 아주대학교병원   Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Colorectal Cancer: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study Using the Korean National Health Insurance Database Cancer Res Treat. 2021;53(4):1104-1112
2023 이정희 성균관대학교 삼성서울병원 일반흉부
정우현 분당서울대학교병원 일반흉부


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