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지난 학술대회

Medifine Award 학술상

Medifine Award 학술상

년 도 성 명 소 속 분 야 제 목 학술지
2015 김준범 울산의대 심장혈관외과 Long-Term Survival Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Off-Pump Versus On-Pump Strategies. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;63:2280-8
나권중 서울의대 일반흉부외과 Quantification of emphysema with preoperative computed tomography has stronger association with pulmonary complications than pulmonary function test results after pulmonary lobectomy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014;147:915-20


Copyright ⓒ The Korean Society for Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery. All rights reserved.

학회지 업무 (주식회사 인포루미)